Terms of Membership

How to become a Club member?

Only an individual person can become a member of MaxPraga Club. To become one just fill in an application form upon your purchase. All your future purchases will then be reflected on your club member account, each getting you closer to the magic number that qualifies for a discount. Based on our current clients’ preference, we have introduced the option of enjoying membership without holding a club member card. Club members can use their name or registration number assigned to them upon registration for easy identification at the MaxPraga ans MaxStyle stores, telling it to the cashier. Please notify us by calling: +420 224 221 587 or e-mailing at: provided your personal data changes.

Keep shopping and collecting points

Upon each purchase at the MaxPraga and MaxStyle stores in Prague (Max Mara, Weekend Max Mara, Marina Rinaldi, Marella – please refer to the list of brand stores), tell the clerk at check out your name and the boutique team will make sure the adequate number of points are credited to your account. All your purchases at the MaxPraga stores are credited to the same member account. Both the client´s account and the discount achieved are not transferable.

Discounted amount; one year validity at the minimum

When the overall amount of points credited to your membership account reaches CZK 50,000, you have qualified for a 5% discount first applicable to your next purchase and then valid for one calendar year. When a cumulative value equals to CZK 140,000 is reached within one calendar year, you have automatically qualified for a 10% discount applicable to your next purchase and valid for one calendar year. The discount is carried forward only on condition that the given limit is reached again during the following year. On the event that the limits are not met, the discount is discontinued. To check the account status, please talk to our in-store staff. The club member discount applies to all products carried by the MaxPraga and MaxStyle stores at full prices. No additional discount is provided to discounted products, but their purchase is credited to the club member account helping the club member qualify for the above described discounts.

Additional membership advantages

Besides receiving regular updates regarding the latest news, priority season discounts, invitations to special events and social gatherings organised by MaxPraga, you are also entitled to enjoy extended opening hours, free delivery of the purchased goods by a messenger, personalised tailoring service for clothes purchased in our stores, and many additional perks. On the occasion of celebrating their birthday, all MaxPraga members will receive a onetime CZK 1,000 voucher for any purchase they make on the day of their birthday or in the following 2 days in any of the MaxPraga and MaxStyle stores. The voucher is sent via e-mail; its receipt is conditioned by a valid e-mail address on file. The published MaxPraga Club membership conditions are valid from  February 1st, 2015 until further notice.

Updated customer program rule sfollowing GDPR

In relation to the new legal regulation of personal data protection (GDPR), we would like to inform you about the updated version of the terms of processing your personal data provided within your MaxPraga Club membership.

MAXPRAGA s.r.o., with registered seat in Prague 1, Havelska 494/31, ZIP Code 110 00, num. reg.: 251 17 840, registered in Register of Companies at the Municipal court in Prague, section C, insert 51180 (hereinafter reffered to as “Company“), in accordance with §5 and following of the law Nr. 101/2000, Personal data protection code, in actual version (hereinafter reffered to as “Personal data protection code“), and according to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter reffered to as “Regulation“), hereby informs its customers (as subjects of personal data) as subsequently:

  1. Signing the Application form, the Customer gives the consent to the Company, as the Administrator in accordance with the Personal data protection code, to proces through the electronic databases the personal data of the Customer which has been obtained by the Company during the commercial content with the Customer. The personal data processing includes accumulation of information, depositing of information to data carrier, storing of information, disclosing of information to concrete employees of the Company, classification and valuating of information for marketing purposes and similar processing (hereinafter reffered also as “consent to personal data processing“). The personal data to be processed as follows: title, first name, name, address, e-mail, telephone, date of birth, information regarding the purchases.
  2. The Customer hereby gives the consent to the Company, as the Administrator in accordance with the valid legislation, to the personal data processing for the purpose of creating databases of Customers, offering of the commercial activities and for the publicity and marketing activities.
  3. The personal data Administrator in accordance with the Personal data protection code will be the Company. Access to Customer’s processed personal data within the extent defined in point 1 have the employees of the Company who are required to keep the Customer’s personal data confidential.
  4. The Administrator is authorized to delegate a third party (“Processor“) in order to proces the personal data. The Customer takes into consideration that the Processor or Processors do not need any further consent from the Customer to process personal data. Personal data will be available to Processors only on the basis of a signed contract for the processing of personal data and also within the extent of the Administrator‘s obligation to provide information prescribed by special legal regulations.
  5. The Customer gives the consent to personal data processing for the indeterminate period. The Customer is authorized to revoke this consent anytime in writing to the address of the Company’s registered office or by sending an e-mail to The consent can also be withdrawn by filling out the form at the Company’s salesroom. Revocation of the consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent given prior to its withdrawal.
  6. The Customer agrese with sending of the promotional and publicity materials from the Company, information regarding the price reductions, gift vouchers etc. to his correspondence and e-mail address, or by SMS messages. The Customer is authorized to refuse the consent with using his correspondence data by written notification to the address of Company or by the e-mail to The consent to sending of the promotional and publicity materials from the Company might be also revoked by filling out the form at the Company’s salesroom.
  7. On the basis of the written request of Customer, the Company gives in short order to the Customer information regarding identification data of the personal data Processor. Susbequently, on the basis of the written request of Customer and after having paid an adequate amounts of costs, the Company provides to the Customer the information regarding the processing of his personal data.
  8.  In case that the Customer finds out or thinks that the Company or the personal data Processor process the personal data contrary to the private and personal life protection of the subject of the personal data or contrary to the law, the Customer is authorized to:
    8.1.    Require an explanation from the Company or the Processor;
    8.2.    Require the access to personal data related to the Customer from the Company or Processor;
    8.3.    Require the Company or Processor to correct or erase the personal data, or to limit its processing;
    8.4.    Object to the processing of personal data in any of the ways specified in point 5.;
    8.5.    Lodge a  complaint against the processing of their personal data at the supervisory office which is the Office for Personal Data Protection.
  9. The personal data of the Customers will be processed manually in written form and automatically in the electronic form in the extent of provided personal data, namely by the employees of the Administrator or by designated Processor.
  10. Upon updating the wording of this Customer’s instruction regarding the processing of his or her personal data, the new wording will be posted on the Company’s website.
  11. The Company also discards the personal data provided by Customer as soon as the purpose for which Personal Data has been processed passes.
  12. The provision of personal data is not obligatory and no legal consequences for the Customer result from not providing the consent.


Max Mara – Havířská 1, Praha 1, 110 00,
e-mail:, tel. +420 728 663 322

Weekend Max Mara – Slovanský dům, Na Příkopě 22, Praha 1, 110 00,
e-mail:, tel. +420 774 413 885

Weekend Max Mara – Centrum Chodov, Roztylská 2321/19, 140 00 Praha 11
e-mail:, tel. +420 775 578 718

Marina Rinaldi – Široká 10, Praha 1, 110 00,
e-mail:, tel. +420 774 500 662

 – Železná 22, Praha 1, 110 00
e-mail:, tel. +420 725 593 107

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