About company

MAXPRAGA s.r.o. was established in 1997 in Prague as an exclusive partner of the Max Mara Fashion Group. The Company owns three shops as franchisee of the Group and has an exclusive agency mandate over the territories of Czech Republic and Slovakia for the brands Max Mara, Marella, Marina Rinaldi and Weekend Max Mara, all part of the Max Mara Fashion Group. Additionally, the company offers management services for third parties’ stores.

First MAX MARA boutique opened in Prague in 1997 in Havířská 1, in Old Town, making it one of the first international fashion brands to start their activity in the city, in the heart of what would soon become the main fashion district of Prague. Max Mara offers a total of 9 complete lines, starting with the classic elegant and trendy models, all the way to gala outfits.

In 1999, MaxPraga opened another own store of brand MARINA RINALDIrepresenting this separate branch of the Max Mara Fashion Group Holding, for women sizes 44 – 56.

In 2004, the commercial network expanded again, launching a new brand by the Max Mara fashion house, MARELLAnow located in Železná 22.

Since 2013 MaxPraga is managing a new WEEKEND Max Mara store located in Slovansky dum in Na Prikope 22. This store features styles that are part of the Max Mara sub brand designed for women who appreciate comfortable everyday wear.

In addition to operating its own retail network, MAXPRAGA s.r.o. also acts as an agency for the development of fashion brands from the Max Mara Fashion Group. For more information, click here.

Our Team


Dr. Filippo Recami

Sales Director

Mgr. Renata Smolíková

Retail Manager

Mgr. Marie Marková

Marketing Manager

Ing. Jana Jusková

Sales Department

Ing. Lýdia Penčev

Sales Department

Eva Hanusová

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